Flutter News Full App Solution Android + iOS + Admin Panel + Website
Ultimate Flutter News App (InitNews) is a Flutter full app that allows you to use your app News App for both Android/iOS, Lots of different features of this app have been developed to make a smooth user experience for all users. Prebuild apps are designed to save you time and money, with the help of this app you can save 1000+ developments hours and money
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  1. Built with Flutter Version 2.8.0+
  2. Getx StateManagement
  3. Categories Based News
  4. Banners With News and Ads
  5. Features Like – News Comments, News Likes, News Save News Shares
  6. Searching News
  7. Video News
  8. Multi-Languages
  9. Introduction Sliders
  10. Login / Register
  11. Push Notifications on Every News
  12. Full Dynamic
  13. Over 20+ Elements and endless options to easily build creative layouts
  14. A highly advanced network of options for easy customizations without modifying the code
  15. A clean, modern, multi-purpose design which can be adapted and used for any website design and layout
  16. Dual, flexible sidebars throughout the theme
  17. Includes the Font Awesome icon set, fully integrated
  18. Customize the page title bar for any page
  19. Customize sidebars and sidebar positions for any page
  20. Continued codebase improvements for performance enhancements and future maintenance
  21. Save custom page layouts to reuse on other pages
  22. Full-Color Customizations – change every element with ease including shortcodes